Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-S has school.  The three of us (B, P, and me) are going to be hanging out at home.  I am curious to see if S is going to have homework, what it is going to be, and if it is going to be daily.  B and I have a meeting at P’s school for parent orientation in the evening.

Tuesday-I am taking a friend’s child to her first day like I will be for P tomorrow.  She has to work and I am able to so why not.  We have a few weeks off from piano so there is nothing else planned for today.  Just homework when S gets home from school.

Wednesday-I will get S on the bus and then get P ready for her first day of school.  It is a short day only an hour long where a parent goes with them so it is not too much for the kids (or the parents).  The rest of the day we are just going to be hanging out at home.

Thursday-School for S.  P is home on Tuesday and Thursdays so we are just going to hang out at home.  The farmer’s market is in the afternoon so I am sure B will go at some point to get veggies and some fruits.

Friday-The plan is to get S on the bus and then get P ready for preschool.  We are taking P’s friend to preschool every day, too so we have to make sure to leave the house on time.

Saturday-No plans as of right now.  I am sure it will change.

Sunday-No plans.  I will need to make sure there is no homework or paperwork that needs to be completed for Monday.  Also the kiddos need to get to bed early because they both have school tomorrow!

Last Week Recap

Monday we hung out at home.  It was a day of swimming and just relaxing at home before school starts at the end of the week.

Tuesday we played outside.  B opened the sandbox up for the kids.  They have not played in it for most of the summer.  I have always said either the sand or the pool, but not both.  After the kids played in it for a few hours they ended up deciding to go swimming.  A few of the neighbor kids came over to swim with S.  He loved having boys over to swim with.

Wednesday we had P’s preschool picnic.  She got to meet classmates and play with them.  We met a few parents and of course the teachers.  It was a hot afternoon, and my sister ended up coming over to swim with my niece.  A and L came over to swim and then we all ended up eating dinner together.  B made dinner in an Instapot.  They turned out great and it was super-fast compared to how long it would have taken in the oven or crock pot.

Thursday we had S’s Jacket Jump start in the morning which was basically a getting to know you meeting with the teacher.  After that we got P from her grandma’s.  In the afternoon, I hung out with May and got to spend time with Little B.  I love holding babies.  In the afternoon, I ended up taking a short nap and then took S to “Big Buddy” where he basically has a new student to the school that he helps out.  Unfortunately his buddy did not show up.  He still had a great time playing with all the other kids.  The rest of the evening we just got everything ready for school the next day.

Friday was S’s first day of school.  Of course, we had to wait forever for the bus in the morning.  He did great and had no problems at school.  P and I ran errands in the morning.   We hung out at home in the afternoon.  I worked on folding laundry until S came home from school.  We went outside and waited for S to get off the bus.  P was so excited with A got off the bus to that they wanted to play together so we did that until B got home from work.

Saturday I took P to princess story time and she got to see Ariel.  She loved it.  I was not very impressed with Ariel, but she loved it so that is all that matters.  Afterward we headed home and hung out for the afternoon.  The kids played in the sandbox for a few hours and then swam for the rest of the night.   They literally got out of the pool for dinner and then right back into the pool.  They swam until it was time to get out of the pool to get ready for bed.  I got to hold Little B while the kiddos swam.  It was the best of both worlds for them and me.

Sunday we hung out at home.  It was a chill morning and in the afternoon I worked on paying bills and stuff on the computer.  The kids played in the playroom.  We went to B’s uncles to watch them spin honey from the honeycombs.  S got to do some and really liked it.  We hung out for a while and the kids got to play with their cousins.

Last Week

It is going to be a busy week.  Everything for school starts this week.  There are lots of meetings, 1st day of school and so forth.

Monday-We have no plans so it is going to be are real last quiet day around the house.

Tuesday-B wants to take the kids out on the boat one last time before S starts school again.

Wednesday-P has her picnic with her preschool class.   She is going to meet her classmates and her teacher.  I am excited for her to do this and sad because my baby is going to school.

Thursday-We have S’s Jacket Jump Start which is an individual meeting with his teacher.  It is a designated time to meet with the teacher, bring your supplies to school, do any paperwork necessary, and for the teacher to access reading and math skills.  It will be early to bed because we have a busy morning tomorrow.

Friday-S has his first day of school.  He is semi-excited and I am happy to be back in a routine.  P is going to be home with me.  Preschool doesn’t start until next week.

Saturday-There is story time at the library with Ariel.  I tried to sign P up on Sunday but the class was already full.   We are still going to go and show up.  No other plans for the rest of the day.

Sunday-It is going to be a day of hanging out at home and getting ready for a full school week.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.