Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

It is going to be a busy week.  Everything for school starts this week.  There are lots of meetings, 1st day of school and so forth.

Monday-We have no plans so it is going to be are real last quiet day around the house.

Tuesday-B wants to take the kids out on the boat one last time before S starts school again.

Wednesday-P has her picnic with her preschool class.   She is going to meet her classmates and her teacher.  I am excited for her to do this and sad because my baby is going to school.

Thursday-We have S’s Jacket Jump Start which is an individual meeting with his teacher.  It is a designated time to meet with the teacher, bring your supplies to school, do any paperwork necessary, and for the teacher to access reading and math skills.  It will be early to bed because we have a busy morning tomorrow.

Friday-S has his first day of school.  He is semi-excited and I am happy to be back in a routine.  P is going to be home with me.  Preschool doesn’t start until next week.

Saturday-There is story time at the library with Ariel.  I tried to sign P up on Sunday but the class was already full.   We are still going to go and show up.  No other plans for the rest of the day.

Sunday-It is going to be a day of hanging out at home and getting ready for a full school week.

Last Week Recap

I hurt my back and it is not getting any better.  The only relief I have gotten is when I lie in bed.  It is the only time I am not in pain.

Monday we had swim and diving in the morning.  I scheduled and rescheduled the kid’s summer pics a ton between last week and today.  I ended up cancelling them again and decided I am just not going to get them.  This is the first time I ever missed a quarterly picture with either of the kids.  The timing just never worked out and I got some really good pics of them from the 4th of July so I figured that was “good enough.”   We went to the Wood County Demolition Derby in the evening.  The kids love it and were so excited to go again.  We have done this for over 10 years now and love it every year.  The rain held out for us until the very end when it made for an exciting finale.

Tuesday the kids had swim and diving.  In the afternoon we drove up to the cottage my grandparents built.  It is no longer in the family but I still love it.  I have never taken P up there before and have not been up there for 5 years.  I figured it was a good chance to do go before school starts.  No one was there (which I figured), so we hung out down on the beach playing in the water.  We spent a good while trying to catch minnows and skipping rocks.  They had a blast and P loved driving up and down the hill on the way home.

Wednesday the kids had diving and swim.  In the afternoon we watched Little A.  We basically hung outside the entire time while the kids were playing outside and swimming.  In the evening May and Baby B came over to hang out while all the kids went swimming.

Thursday was the last day of P’s swim class, and S’s diving class.  P has done awesome in swim this summer.  She is backstroking amazing.  Her freestyle needs work but she is getting the hang of it.  S did so well at the beginning of the summer with diving, but has gotten worse over the months.  He had a good day on Monday but that must have been an anomaly.  We hung out at home in the afternoon and got all their school supplies ready for P and S.  P was so excited and kept asking me what else she could take with her.  Just what is on the list.  B and I went to see Sugarland while the kids stayed home with Grandma G.

Friday P and I went to Haslinger’s Orchard to get more peaches.  We ended up getting a half bushel because my sister wanted half.  When we got home I watched my niece for a while.  P loved playing with her.  We hung out at home in the evening.  P went swimming while I hung out and watched her.

Saturday we hung out at home.  In the afternoon B worked on a ton of the veggies from the garden.  He blanched green beans, shredded zucchini, and more.  The kids and I went swimming after dinner.  Afterward we watched a little bit of a movie and then went to bed early.  I read for about 3 hours in bed after the kids went to sleep.

Sunday was a day of hanging out at home.  The kids played with Legos.  P has all of a sudden taken a huge interest in building with Legos.  It keeps her busy and I love the creativity she has.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.  P and I made two peach pies in the evening.  She loves to roll out pie dough (and then eat it).

Last Week

I took a week break (not planned, but I was tired) so I didn’t do this post last week, so there is only the recap to go off of.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.