Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-The kids start the last session of swim and diving.  I gave S the option of doing a swim class or diving and he picked diving.  With as much as he has back pedaled in the diving skills I do not plan on having him do it next summer.  If he gets past these weird fears then maybe.  We are going to run to Haslinger’s Orchard for more peaches.  The kids ate the rest of them last night with B.

Tuesday-Just diving and swim.  The rest of the day we will be home.

Wednesday-Swim and diving in the morning.  P has her under the lights tee ball game.  She is so excited to get a trophy.  She really wants her own award after S got two medals in baseball.

Thursday-Swim and diving.  B will probably run to the farmer’s market when he gets home from work.  I am going to try to run to Target after dinner.

Friday-B is off so we are just going to be hanging out at home.

Saturday-The kids have a Home Depot build in the morning.  The rest of the day we will be at home.

Sunday-We are going to a Mud Hens game in the evening.  This is the first game this year.  I hope they both really like the game, but am not sure.

Last Week Recap

Monday was a day of swim and diving and then hanging out at home.

Tuesday we had swim and diving.   The rest of the day we spent at home.

Wednesday was tee ball in the morning for P.  She did well at running the bases and managed to stop a ball but another kid scooped it up and threw it back.  Afterward we had diving and swim.  S had piano lessons in the afternoon.  In the evening we went to B’s uncles for a cookout.  The kids had a blast playing with all of their cousins and attempting to fish (they never caught anything).

Thursday the kids had swim and diving.  Afterward I ran to all four Targets hoping that the toy clearance went 70% off.  I found a few items at the stores but the clearance was sad.  I will not be making any more trips to the Targets for the toy clearance this summer.  I picked the kids up from Grandma G’s where they were hanging out because B ran to the grocery store and then had to go to work.  I enjoyed my time walking around the Targets by myself.  When we got home I fed the kids and got them ready for bed.  After they went to sleep I shredded zucchini and made zucchini bread.

Friday I took P to soccer and her make-up swim class.  Afterward we finished packing and got on the road to B’s family reunion.  We were not gone more than 15 minutes and got a call from B’s parents that PJ had gotten out of the backyard and was at their house.  She has never gone over there before on her own when I am not there.  She did it once when I was over there with the kids but never when we weren’t there.  She ended up spending some time with May because she was crying and whining so loud.  The kids did pretty well on the car ride down.  P fell asleep and S dozed or almost fell asleep a few times.  The kids had a blast playing with all of their cousins.  Everything was good until it was time to go to sleep.  P said she was ready for bed so I got her ready and then for the next three hours she tossed and turned in bed unable to fall asleep.  S was snoring in the next bed with no issues.  Finally at midnight I text B to come and take her for a car ride to get her to fall asleep.  It worked and she slept with me but continued to wake up every hour or so.

Saturday was another day of fun.  The kids took turns taking kayaks and paddle boats out on the lake.  S did amazing at paddling the kayak.  The kids played games after lunch, swam, and played.  We did family pictures and then dinner.  After dinner the kids ended up swimming at the indoor pool.  About 8:45pm I got the kids showered and ready for bed.  I was hoping they would fall asleep on the way home and it would be a quiet ride.  P was sound asleep within 6 minutes of us leaving.  S took a little longer and was asleep about a half hour into the trip home.  Both kids easily transferred into their beds and slept all night.

Sunday S got up at the crack of dawn making it a long day for him.  P slept in which I was thankful for.  My back was super sore so I spent most of the day in bed or lying on the couch with my legs propped up.  P ran errands with B and S stayed home with me.  In the evening, the kids played outside riding around on scooters and bikes.

Last Week

Monday-We have swim and diving.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.  It is going to be nice outside so hopefully the kiddos can play outside.

Tuesday-We have swim and diving.  The rest of the day is another day of hanging out at home.

Wednesday-P has tee ball in the morning.  She only has this week and next week and tee ball is over.  She is going to miss it.  We have swim and diving.  In the evening we are going to a family cookout.  The kids will have fun playing with all of their cousins.

Thursday-We have swim and diving.  The farmer’s market is in the afternoon.  Otherwise we are packing for the family reunion and hanging out at home.

Friday-P has soccer in the afternoon.  Afterward we are heading south to go to B’s family reunion.  It will be more time for the kids to hang out and play with their cousins.

Saturday-We have a full day of family reunion.  The kids will have a blast and we will head home in the evening.

Sunday-It is going to be a day of recovery.  PJ will have anxiety when we see her again, Dinky who knows, and the kids will be tired.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.