Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-The kids have swim and diving today.  Afterward S’s cousin is coming home with us to play for the afternoon.  The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Tuesday-There is no swim or diving today because there is a swim meet.  I am watching my niece in the afternoon, but otherwise we are just hanging out at home.

Wednesday-It is going to be a confusing day of running around for B and me.  I am watching my neighbor’s kids in the morning.  P has tee ball, so B is taking her and I am taking the other kids with me.  After tee ball we are all heading home to get the kiddos ready for swim and diving.  B is taking the kids to swim and diving and I am staying home with the youngest one.  B is then taking S to piano lessons after lunch and then he is picking up S’s friend to come over and play for a while.  Whew! That was a mouthful.

Thursday-We have swim and diving.  The farmer’s market is in the afternoon.  The rest of the day we are at home.

Friday-P has soccer clinic, and then make-up swim and diving class.  My niece is celebrating her birthday at Perrysburger’s and then Sportway for go-karts, miniature golf, and batting cages.  I haven’t told the kiddos yet because I will hear none stop about it until then.

Saturday-Princess story time is in the morning.  P is ecstatic to see Moana.  It is supposed to rain so we don’t have any plans for the rest of the day.

Sunday-B is working and I think we are going to try and go do something if it doesn’t rain.

Last Week Recap

Monday we had swim and diving in the morning.  After dinner we had our first game of the championship tournament.  It was a great game and I loved it.  S did so well at batting and fielding.

Tuesday P had swim, but S had diving cancelled.  In the evening we went out to eat for my niece’s birthday.   S had an anxiety/panic attack and I ended up taking him to Grandma G.’s.  I went back to the restaurant and then later we went to pick up S and ended up staying a few hours because it was S’s cousins last night in Ohio.

Wednesday I had to wake P up for tee ball.  She was so tired and told me all she wanted to do was go back to sleep.  I told her she could if she wanted to and we would skip tee ball.  She powered through and was excited for tee ball.  Unfortunately she was extremely emotional during the game and cried a few times.  The one was legit.  She cried because a little boy took the ball out of her hand and threw it back for her.  We had swim and diving.  In between tee ball and swim I really wanted to watch the season finale of Handmaid’s Tale.  So I watched a little of it and then went to swim.  S had diving cancelled again but I didn’t know that until we showed up.  One of the moms talked to a lifeguard and the kids were able to dive even though the teacher was not there.  We swam at home in the afternoon.

Thursday P got to dive off the diving board at the pool.  She had no hesitation and just jumped right off the board.  Kids that are 8 were hesitant to jump, and this little 4 year old just goes.  Hive dive is up next.  We swam in the afternoon.  B went to the farmer’s market in the afternoon.  After I put the kids to bed I went to Target to scope out the toy and summer clearance at a different Target.  I found the My Little Pony set that I was looking for and got it for only $20.  The tag was marked $41 but I scanned it just in case and am glad I did.

Friday S had make-up diving class while P was doing her soccer clinic.  It was another really hot and humid day.  S had his championship tournament game.  It was a nail biter, but we ended up losing.  It was so hot that the bend in my legs was dripping sweat down my legs and making my flip-flops wet.  Gross, right? I know I had no idea where it was coming from the first time it happened.  P was really good and stuck around.  With the help of my niece and Grandma G I was able to focus on the game and not worry about her.  After we got home I let the kids go swimming to cool off.  It was after 10pm before they got to sleep.

Saturday the kids got up early to watch the hot air balloons land near us.  They both ate there cereal outside and loved watching the balloons.  It happened pretty fast, I saw them went inside to get dressed and by the time I came outside again they were all gone.  It was a nice morning so the kids ended up playing outside.  By 9am it was getting warmer out so we headed inside.  S had his All-Star game and he was also receiving the most improved player for his team.  Unfortunately they started the ceremony early (it was supposed to start at 12:30pm.  We got there at 12:25pm and it was completely done.).  Since I never told S about the award and was going to surprise him it was no big deal to him.  One crisis averted.  The kids had some time to play on the inflatables before the game.  S did really good in the game.  He played 3rd the entire game.  He had 5 balls hit to him.  Two balls got by him, and he stopped the other three.  One of them was even a play at 3rd where he got someone out.  He also got the only hit that had an RBI for our team the entire game.  He really has improved!  The rest of the day we hung out at home and swam.

Sunday was a day of hanging out at home.  The kids got up early in the morning to watch the hot air balloons land nearby.  Both of them were up early and out on the deck watching for them.  The rest of the day we swam and played outside.  Papa surprised us and came over later so the kids ended up swimming again with him.  It was a late night for them.

Last Week

Monday-We have swim and diving in the morning.  I am pretty sure we will be swimming in the afternoon because it is going to be steamy!  S has his tournament game in the evening.  If we win we play the championship game on Friday.  (We want to have it on Thursday, so we will see what happens.)

Tuesday-We have swim and diving.  I am going to try to make a run to Target and check out the clearance.  For dinner we are going out to eat for my niece’s birthday.

Wednesday-We have tee ball in the morning for P.  Swim and diving afterward.  S has piano lessons in the afternoon.  We are thinking about taking the boat out for the kids to tube.  P has never been and I really want to take her.

Thursday-We have swim and diving.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.  If we can get the baseball game rescheduled if we win we would play tonight.

Friday-We have make-up diving class and P has her soccer clinic.  She is so excited for it.  S has his tournament championship game if he wins on Monday.

Saturday-S is playing in the All Star baseball game.  He is also winning the most improved player on his team.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.

Sunday-As of now we don’t having anything happening.  It always changes though.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.