Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week
Monday-We have swim and diving in the morning. I am pretty sure we will be swimming in the afternoon because it is going to be steamy! S has his tournament game in the evening. If we win we play the championship game on Friday. (We want to have it on Thursday, so we will see what happens.)
Tuesday-We have swim and diving. I am going to try to make a run to Target and check out the clearance. For dinner we are going out to eat for my niece’s birthday.
Wednesday-We have tee ball in the morning for P. Swim and diving afterward. S has piano lessons in the afternoon. We are thinking about taking the boat out for the kids to tube. P has never been and I really want to take her.
Thursday-We have swim and diving. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home. If we can get the baseball game rescheduled if we win we would play tonight.
Friday-We have make-up diving class and P has her soccer clinic. She is so excited for it. S has his tournament championship game if he wins on Monday.
Saturday-S is playing in the All Star baseball game. He is also winning the most improved player on his team. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.
Sunday-As of now we don’t having anything happening. It always changes though.

Last Week Recap
Monday we had swim and diving. S had a baseball game after dinner. It was a hot day, which made for a hot day of playing baseball. We won so the kids were super excited.
Tuesday we had swim and diving. In the afternoon we swam and our neighbor made dinner. It’s nice to take turns making dinner. Afterward we went to the fireworks in Perrysburg. B had put a blanket up there earlier so our seats were already saved. P loved the fireworks and was full on commentary and lots of “Whoa’s”.

Wednesday was the 4th of July. There was no tee ball, swim, or diving. We ended up having our neighbors, their friends, and some of our friends over to swim. It was another hot day. We swam for so long that when it came time to decide what to do for dinner we ended up ordering pizza. After we were done swimming and eating it was time to go see the fireworks one more time. We went to Waterville to watch the fireworks. The kids were a little more tired this night so they were pretty quiet during the fireworks and just watched them.

Thursday we had swim and diving in the morning. In the evening S had his final game of the season. The other team did not have enough players so they called the game. Our team ended up doing a little practice/scrimmage since we were already there. Afterward the entire team went to Mr. Freeze to get ice cream. When we got home we all went swimming because it was so hot out. The heat index for the day reached 103°.

Friday we had makeup swim and diving since we didn’t have class on Wednesday. P also had her soccer clinic. We she went to half of soccer and then her swim lesson. The rest of the day we hung out at home and swam.
Saturday B took the kids to the Home Depot build in the morning. They then ran a few errands in the morning. While they were doing that I was taking a nap. It was wonderful. When they got home I was outside reading a book in my hammock swing. It was a nice day outside so the kids actually got to play and not sweat like crazy. In the evening, we went over to B’s parents for a family dinner and a campfire.

Sunday we went to my cousins wedding shower in Marblehead. It is a family thing so all four of us went. The kids had fun playing. When we got home we ended up going swimming. The kiddos were tired but that never stops them from swimming.

Last Week-It is a holiday week, so this week is going to a bit different.
Monday-We have swim and diving in the morning. It is going to be a hot day so either swimming or hanging out inside. S has a game in the evening which will make for a hot night.
Tuesday-We have swim and diving in the morning. Nothing else planned for the day. We will try to go to the fireworks at night. The kids and I love fireworks. They are totally excited for them.
Wednesday-Today is the 4th of July. There is no swim or diving. I think we are hanging out at home and will try to go to the fireworks in Waterville at night.
Thursday-Back to swim and diving in the morning. S has his last baseball game of the season before the tournaments start next week! I am going to miss it. I have loved this season and keeping book for his team.
Friday-We have swim and diving. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.
Saturday-Home Depot has a kids build in the morning we will attend.
Sunday-We have a wedding shower for my cousin. That will pretty much take up the entire day because it is at Marblehead.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.