Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-We start a new session of swimming and diving.  P moves up to preschool stage 2, and S is still diving.  It is going to be super-hot, so we are going to be inside all day.  S has a baseball game in the evening and P will go hang out with May because it is just too hot to take her.

Tuesday-We have swim and diving and then I am going to try to arrange a playdate for S to swim with his friend.

Wednesday-P has tee ball in the morning.  We have a break between tee ball and swim so I am thinking about running to get more strawberries at Haslinger’s Orchard.  We have swim and diving after.  S is starting his piano lessons again which he is extremely excited about.  S also has a game in the evening.  It is going to be beautiful temperature wise, but the rain may not cooperate with us.

Thursday-Swim in the morning.  I am going to try to do a playdate with S’s cousin in the afternoon and hopefully take him home with us after swim.  I am also going to try to arrange a playdate for P with one of her friends for the afternoon, too.  (Look at me and trying to have playdates!)

Friday-S has make-up diving today.  The rest of the day I plan on just hanging out at home.

Saturday-No plans that I can think of other than being at home.

Sunday-No plans again, just the way I like it.

Last Week Recap

Monday P and I went and got strawberries from Haslinger’s Orchard after swim.  P got a few new dress-up clothes and loved the new dresses.  She thought she was a princess and it was funny.  B worked on getting the backyard ready for sod on Tuesday.

Tuesday B and S went and got sod in the morning.  I took the kids to swim and diving and when we got home our neighbors were helping to unload the sod.  It was amazing and such a huge help.  I made everyone sandwiches and in the afternoon S and his friends went swimming as a reward for the hard work.  I watched Little A for the afternoon.  She was so good and just slept on me while I watched the kids swim.  We ended up getting quite a bit of rain that evening which helped the sod.

Wednesday we had tee ball in the morning.  P loved it and S played with some friends while she was playing.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.  S and P’s aunt and cousin came over to see them.  They are visiting from Phoenix.  S was excited to play with his cousin and P was pouting.  I couldn’t figure out why but after they left she finally told me she didn’t want them with Grandma G and she wanted them to go home.  A little jealousy.  She is not used to sharing her Grandma G and did not like it.  When we told her they would go home after a visit she was okay with it.

Thursday we had diving and swim.  S had his friends and cousins come over and swim.  At one point I had 9 kids in the pool.  By the time we got the pool covered and grass watered it was 8:15pm and we still hadn’t eaten dinner.  I think the kids got to bed after 10pm.  It was a long day.

Friday we did not have swim or diving so we went and saw The Incredibles 2.  P swam at home while S played with his cousin at Grandma G’s. Then we went back after dinner for a fire.  The kids roasted marshmallows over the campfire and had fun.

Saturday P and I went to princess story time in the morning.  We waited, and waited for Snow White to come and she never showed up.  How do you explain that to a four year old so she will understand and tell her the truth?  The answer: You don’t.  I told her maybe she got in trouble with the Evil Stepmother or got busy with the dwarfs.  It worked.  S went and played with his cousin and then went swimming with a bunch of his other cousins while P and I stayed home and swam with May and the kids.

Sunday was Father’s Day.  We ended up hanging out at home with B.  It was sooooo hot outside.  The kids picked out matching tees to wear with him months ago and have kept it a secret.

Last Week

We got lucky and have no baseball games.  It is an odd week for us.

Monday-The kids have swim and diving lessons in the morning.  Afterward P and I are going to drive to Haslinger’s Orchards to get strawberries.  Hopefully she will take a nap, I will get strawberries, and B can get more jam/jelly.

Tuesday-The kiddos have swim and diving.  B is getting sod to put in the backyard.  I have a feeling that is where we will be spending the majority of the day helping/watching.

Wednesday-P has her introductory tee ball day.  Basically they get there shirt and hat and meet there teammates.  Afterward we will probably either go home for a bit or run to the library and get new books before swim and diving lessons.  S got invited to a birthday party at Sky Zone in the evening.

Thursday-The kids have swim and diving.  In the afternoon there is the Farmer’s Market.  Other than that, just hanging out at home.

Friday-If the kids don’t have a make-up swim lesson, I am going to try to take them to see Incredibles 2 in the morning.

Saturday-P has princess story time and will get to meet Snow White.  The rest of the day we are just going to be hanging out at home.

Sunday-It is Father’s Day.  B has to work nights (I think he has been scheduled to work nights every year since S was born.  What are the odds?  We will hang out with him for a few hours before he has to leave for work.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.