Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-Today is Memorial Day.  We are going to try to go to the parade in the morning.  It is supposed to be a high of 96°, so I am not sure.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.  B has to finish getting everything ready in the backyard for tomorrow.

Tuesday-We are finally getting concrete in the backyard around the pool.  The kids are excited to watch it happen and I am happy to get it.  No more stone in the backyard.  Once we get the concrete we can install our diving board which I am so excited about.   S does not have piano lessons tonight because he has a baseball game.

Wednesday-P has a week off of story time.  Not a whole lot going on the rest of the day.  If the concrete is set I am guessing the kids will do some swimming!

Thursday-Another day of hanging out at home.  We are watching my niece in the afternoon.  P has been practicing with her bottle and baby so she can help feed Little A.  The farmer’s market is also going on, so I am sure B will run up there at some point.

Friday-B and I are going to see Dierks Bentley at DTE.  It is supposed to rain so I am glad that we have seats under the pavilion.

Saturday-S had a baseball game rescheduled so we will go to that in the morning.  There is also a build at Home Depot in the morning.  We will try to go to it either before or after his game.

Sunday-We don’t have any plans and are hanging out at home.

Last Week Recap

Monday S had field day at school.  P and I hung out at home.  After school we played outside for a while until it started to rain.  It rained so hard they ended up cancelling S’s make-up baseball game.

Tuesday P and I hung out at home.  After dinner S had piano lessons.  While he was at his piano lessons I ran to get him a Minecraft book.  Go figure the bookstore closes early on Tuesdays.

Wednesday P had story time in the morning.  We rode bikes to the library.  This was the last story time for this session.  I folded laundry for 2 and ½ hours then went to S’s school to help out with the end of the year party.  S ended up coming home with me which is the first time he has not rode the bus home.  S had a baseball game after dinner.  He did really well and hit the ball getting on base.  As a reward he could have ice cream or swim in the pool.  He chose swimming in the pool.  Worked for me.

Thursday was S’s last day of school so we got pictures in the morning before the bus came.  It was his last day of school so he was nervous.  P and I hung out at home.  When S got home the kids swam in the pool.

Friday was the first day of summer break for S.  We played outside in the morning.  S lost his new airplane on the neighbor’s roof.  After a while we went inside for to eat.  When we came back outside it was all about swimming.  S had a friend come over, and P swam with A.  I sat in my hammock swing and chilled while the kiddos swam.  I worked on making more rosaries.

Saturday we hung out at home in the morning.  We were going to go watch A play his last soccer game but it was sprinkling and I didn’t want to sit in the rain.  We went to S’s last soccer game in the afternoon.  Thankfully the rain held off.  He didn’t score any goals but it was so hot outside so I took him and P out for ice cream after his game.  When we got home P laid down on the couch.  S and I were on the other side of the couch.  Next thing I knew P had fallen asleep.  She truly was super tired.  I ended up falling asleep on the couch and S went into his room so he didn’t have to be out there with us. It poured in the afternoon.  After dinner we went outside and the kids swam.

Sunday was a day of hanging out at home.  It was hot outside so we swam in the morning.  Hung out inside in the afternoon and then went back out swimming again before dinner.  The kiddos were tuckered out.  S had a bad reaction to everything outside. He was not sunburnt, but it sure did look like it.  S’s eyes were swollen, he had a rash on his chest and his face was super swollen and hurt.  It wasn’t hot to the touch like sunburn is.  We gave him some allergy medicine and Tylenol. (He woke up Monday morning, perfectly fine and back to normal.  He still had the rash on his chest but it looks like heat rash.)

Last Week

Monday-S had field day at school.  P and I are hanging out at home.  S has a make-up baseball game after dinner.  P is going to Grandma G’s while we are at the soccer game.  It is supposed to rain and with B working and me keeping book it is too hard to keep track of her on top of that.

Tuesday-Another day of no plans, just hanging out at home.  S has piano lessons after dinner.

Wednesday-P has story time in the morning.  S has his end of the year party in the afternoon and I am going to help out with it.  S is skipping his soccer practice because he has a baseball game at the same time.

Thursday-This is S’s last day of school.  He is excited, and I am dreading it.  P is not happy at all, she asks on the weekends if S is leaving soon.  When we say no she gets upset.  The rest of the day there is not really anything going on.  There is the farmer’s market which I am sure at some point B will go.

Friday-No plans, our first official day of summer break.

Saturday-S has his last soccer game of the season.  The rest of the day we are just going to be hanging out at home, maybe swimming?

Sunday-No plans just hanging out at home.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.