Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-B is working on the pool if the rain doesn’t happen.  S has a baseball game after school.  It is going to be 80°, maybe P will get a chance to play in the water?

Tuesday-I am going to be busy finishing the cake for P.  I am making an ice cream cake this year or at least attempting.  S and I are going to the May Crowning which is his last class for catechism this year.  Afterward we are rushing home to have a little party for P’s birthday.  We are going to do cake and ice cream.  She has decided on a Frozen theme this year.  All year she has said she wanted My Little Pony and last week she decided it was going to be Frozen.

Wednesday-P turns 4 today!  We have story time in the morning.  When I take P home I have an appointment to learn how to make rosaries for the church.  I love the idea of making them and I really love doing crafts so this is perfect for me.  P will get her birthday present from us and we will do something small on her actual birthday.  S has soccer practice after dinner.

Thursday-This is the second farmer’s market of the season.  I am sure B will run up to it at some point.  S has a baseball game after school.

Friday-We have P’s 4 year wellness check at the doctors in the morning.  I have not told her yet.  I don’t think she is getting any shots and she loves to see her doctor so it should be easy.  No plans after school today.  S will be happy about that.

Saturday-S has a baseball game in the morning and then we will leave right from there and head to his soccer game.  B is working so P will tag along.  After a busy morning we are just going to hang out at home the rest of the day.

Sunday-No plans for today so we will just hang out at home.  Hopefully we will have nice weather and can spend the day outside.

Last Week Recap

Monday we went to my friends and P got to play with her friends in the morning.  In the afternoon we played at home until A came home and P could play with him.

Tuesday S and I went to catechism to make rosaries.  I volunteered to help the kids make their rosaries.  I really enjoyed it and was able to connect with the person who is in charge of making the rosaries for missions.  P got to play with Grandma G while B ran errands after work and I was with S.  She was so tired when I picked her up.  We got home and she played outside for a little while.  When we got inside she fell asleep on the couch within 5 minutes.

Wednesday P and I rode my bike to story time.  She loves it and I like it.  If only she wasn’t so big.  The extra weight and size makes it harder to have her on my bike.  S had a great time at story time with her friends.  She got to see her cousin which was a treat.  S had game after school.  It looked like it was going to rain but we hoped for the best.  The game was cancelled due to lightning.  There was a big lightning bolt and then a crack of thunder.  P’s reaction was, “Ooo Fireworks!”  Well kind of I told her they were Gods fireworks.  My kids are not scared of thunderstorms and I love that.  We are safe but they aren’t afraid of them.  We were going to skip soccer practice because of the baseball game but I am pretty sure the practice was cancelled, too.

Thursday we didn’t have any plans and hung out at home. S and I watched stone get delivered and concrete hauled away before the bus picked him up in the morning.  P chose to stay inside.  My sister came over with Little A.  So we spent the afternoon playing with her.  After dinner we went to S’s musical concert.  It was a great little show and S did awesome.  Afterward on the way home we told him danced well and should dance like that at weddings.  His response, I don’t like to dance like that.  No he prefers his breakdance crazy moves.  Move over Elaine from Seinfeld!

Friday we were home most of the day.  B was working on the backyard.  After dinner we went to Family Fun Night at S’s school.  It is kind of like an end of the year party for everyone’s family.  S loves to go and play the games.  P never remembers it but is game to play.

Saturday we went to A’s soccer game and then to S’s after.  It was a drizzly, rainy morning.  It wasn’t too bad for A’s game but it down poured minutes after we got in our car after the game.  Instead of S getting to run around and play with his friends he was stuck in the car with me because the rain was so hard.  Ten minutes before the game was supposed to start we sucked it up and got out of the car.  It was still raining but only sprinkling. It sprinkled on and off the entire game until the last 30 seconds when it down poured.   We were all soaked when we got in the car.  After changing our clothes when we got home we hung out.  I told S if he didn’t let the other team score against him I would take him for ice cream so after dinner we went for ice cream and then ran to the store to get some supplies I needed for P’s birthday cake and to make my dish for tomorrow.  When we got home we went over to May’s to see A’s new cousin.  She was adorable.

Sunday was Mother’s Day.  We hung out at home in the morning and then went to my dad’s for a cook-out in the afternoon.  It was fun to see my new niece again, and got to see everyone else.  We came home and I took a nap and then folded laundry.

Last Week

This Week is a pretty typical spring week for us.  Finishing up some stuff and starting new stuff.

Monday-We have no plans for today.  P and I are going to my friends in the morning, and then just hanging out at home.  It is supposed to be nice, so I imagine at some point we will be outside.

Tuesday-S does not have school because there are primary elections.  Since they use the school as voting locations they do not have school.  P is going to play at Grandma G’s while S and I go to his catechism class to make rosaries.  I’m kind of excited about it because once I know how they like them made then I can volunteer to make them at home.  It seems like something I can easily do while I am watching TV.  B is getting the skid steerer from his uncle to start working more on the pool.

Wednesday-P has story time in the morning.  P has a baseball game after dinner.  He is skipping his soccer practice because games take priority over practices.   But soccer games would take precedence over baseball games.  It’s all about what he likes more.

Thursday-B will be working on stuff around the pool.  P and I are hanging out at home.  S has his first school music program in the evening.  He says he has all the words memorized and does not need to work on the songs with me.  We will see he tends to hum loudly the notes when he does not remember words.  He also has a small speaking part.

Friday-Today is only supposed to be a high of 59°.  We have no plans and B is off working on the pool stuff.  In the evening, there is Family Fun Night at S’s school which is like a mini carnival for the kiddos.

Saturday-A has a soccer game in the morning and then S has a game right after him.  If either scores a goal it looks like we are going for ice cream at some point.

Sunday-It’s Mother’s Day.  We are going to my dad’s for a cookout.  B is working on the pool stuff all day.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.