Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-This is the last day of Spring Break for S.  B is going to help the neighbor reroof a section of his house.  The kids and I will try to help clean up the old shingles and nails.

Tuesday-S goes back to school (I have the biggest smile!).  He does not have catechism this week, but does have piano lessons.  I was debating about not doing piano this week because there is another skating event at Ohio Skate.  After Friday we are going to skip it.

Wednesday-S has his first baseball practice after school.  It is only going to be a high of 40°.  By the time his practice starts at 6:30 it is going to be freezing.  I told him to plan on wearing his winter coat.  That is going to be tough throwing a ball and swinging a bat.  P is going to hang out with Grandma G so she doesn’t be in the cold.

Thursday-I have a hair appointment in the afternoon.  Otherwise there is nothing else going on.

Friday-We don’t have any plans for today.  The Hunter Collection goes on sale at midnight at for Red Card holders.  So I will be patiently waiting (not so patiently) to get my pair of boots.  I have been stalking the website checking out the collection and counting the days down to when I can get a pair.  I am thinking of getting S a pair of boots, too.

Saturday-There is a Home Depot build in the morning.  Hopefully B will take the kids and I can run to Target and check out the Easter clearance.

Sunday-I am hoping Easter clearance goes 90%.  Because B has the day off it probably won’t and will go tomorrow when he has to work.

Last Week Recap

Monday we spent the day at home.  S took the day to lounge around.

Tuesday P and A crushed the gold blocks we made from the gold sand.  They loved finding gems in some and nothing in others.  It really was a surprise if they were going to find anything.  This worked much better than expected so I plan on making more sand blocks for them to smash open.  It took hours to make and bake them but less than 15 minutes to destroy them all.  We hung out at home until we took the kids to swim with their cousins. They got a hotel room so the kids could all swim in the pool.  They got to swim until we had to leave for P’s piano lessons.

Wednesday we hung out at home during the day.  My sister came over to see the kiddos.  Before dinner we went to Dave and Busters.  B gave S the option of one thing he would like to do on Spring Break and he picked Dave and Busters.  S got two more SpongeBob cards that he needed for a game he plays and P got a stuffed MLP Twilight Sparkle.

Thursday S had playdate.  They played for 3 hours and I never heard a peep from them.  It was the best playdate ever!

Friday we went skating at Ohio Skate.  The kids had fun.  S loves skating.  P usually likes it but now that she has to do most of the work herself she is a little crazy.  She likes to try to be crazy on the skates and jump as long as she is holding my hand.  She also likes to pretend to fall.  Well she found out the hard way and actually fell for real trying to get up from one of her pretend falls and was done for the day.  She hung out with my sister sitting on the sidelines.  S and I had fun skating around the rink.  P fell asleep on the way home so I let her sleep in the car for a while to get a good nap.  When she woke up we decorated Easter eggs.  This year we tried dying the eggs with shaving cream.  It was a huge mess, the kids liked it, and I will never do again.

Saturday we went to an egg hunt in Whitehouse with my aunt and uncle.  The kids love to see them and it is always fun to do an egg hunt.  The kids did great in their age categories.  P and my aunt came up with a plan for P to run straight out to the trees and get the eggs around the trees.  Forget about the eggs on the grass that all the kids were going for she ran straight for the trees and cleaned up.  Once she got all the eggs around one tree she ran to the next.  P said she was tired and I guess she really was because she fell asleep on the way home.  Again I let her sleep and read my book in the car.  S went in the house on his own.  He was more than happy to hang out in the house instead of in the car with me.  After she woke up we hung out at home until it was time to leave for the helicopter egg drop.  On the way to the egg drop, P got sick in the car.  It took both S and me surprise.  I have never been in a car with someone when they got sick in the car.  This was a first for me.  Obviously we turned around and came home after I cleaned her up.  On the way home she kept saying, “I very mad I get sick in the car and not see helicopter egg.”  Thankfully she took another nap when we got home and did not get sick again.

Sunday the kids got up in the morning.  S did his usual and hung out playing on the tablet waiting for P and me to wake up.  When P woke up she went out to the living room and was so happy and excited that she ran into my room shrieking.  Of course I heard her wake up so at least she didn’t scare me.  We called B at work and the kids were both talking to him as they were looking through their Easter baskets.  P was crazy excited.  We went outside and did the egg hunt before I let the kids really go through their baskets.  The kids and I all got our robes and boots on to venture out in the cold morning.  I cannot believe how great they did finding their eggs and not getting each other’s.  The rest of the day we hung out at home and the kids played with all of the new toys they got.  We decorated Easter eggs in the afternoon and then went over to B’s parents after he got home from work.  The kids love to see their grandparents.  The kids had a late night and stayed up listening to Disney music.

Last Week

This Week is the beginning of Spring Break.   S will be home all week.  He is super excited and I am not.  I think this is what most moms think and just don’t say.

Monday-We are just hanging out at home.  It is the first day of spring break for S so he is going to be full of energy.

Tuesday we are going to break open the gold blocks that P and I made.  S is going to go play with his cousin.  They are going to swim at a hotel pool.

Wednesday-P has story time in the morning.  B asked S what he would like to do on his spring break and he said go to Dave & Busters.  So I think we are going to try to do that.

Thursday-We are hanging out at home.  B picked up overtime.  S’s friends are going to come over in the afternoon for a playdate.

Friday-Today is Good Friday so there are some events going on.  We could go to the zoo and watch the animals do their egg hunt.  Our neighbors are redoing there roof so the kids would like to watch and help with that.  It really all just depends on the weather.

Saturday-We are going to an Easter egg hunt with my aunt and uncle.  We try to do it every year as long as it isn’t raining or snowing.  In the evening, we are going to do the helicopter Easter egg drop.  We will go get our spot and hopefully B can make it after work before they drop the eggs.  He has made it in the past and he has missed it the past.  It just depends on the weather and if the helicopter gets delayed.  At some point we will dye Easter eggs during the day.  Last year we did it with A and Baby L, so they may do it with again.  It just depends on when we do it.

Sunday-It is Easter.  The kids will do their egg hunt in the backyard from the Easter bunny.  B has to work so it will just be me and the kids.  If we didn’t go yesterday we will try to hit the helicopter egg drop.  If the weather is awesome we may do it for a second time.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.