Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans.  Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable.  I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

So I tried my hardest to do my daily posts last week and it just did not work.  I was so busy getting ready for Christmas that I had to choose between getting stuff done for Christmas or work on my blog.  I chose to get things done for Christmas.  So I am looking at it like I took a week vacation from the blog and just forgot to do my posts ahead of time.

This Week

Weekly Goal

Monday we are just hanging out at home and are going to try to go to the Lights Before Christmas.  We also want to get as much of the Christmas stuff put away as possible.

Tuesday– I want to attempt to organize the living room with the new couches and table.  We also are going to go through all the toys upstairs and consolidate what we keep in the living room.  S is going to try to have a sleepover with his cousins.

Wednesday-We are just hanging out at home.  We are going to tackle another room in the house to organize and clean.  We are going to do the computer room, P’s room, and our bedroom in the next three weeks so it is just a matter of deciding what room we are going to do which day.

Thursday-Organizing another room.

Friday-Organizing another room or finishing the rooms we have already started.  B goes back to work.

Saturday-Today is New Year’s Eve.  B is working at night so it is just me and the kids.  We usually don’t do anything but hang out at home.  The kids go to bed at the regular time.

Sunday-New Year’s Day.  We are just hanging out at home.  I may run to Target if the Christmas clearance goes down to 70% or 90%.

Last Week Recap

It was a super busy week for me.  I am beyond exhausted and still cannot get caught up and recovered.

Monday I made buckeyes look like petit fours and coconut bon bons.  The kids helped me by putting the peanut butter squares in the chocolate for me.  We went over to May’s for dinner and then took our old couches over to my sister’s.


Tuesday I forgot S had pictures in the morning but they had some open spots and we got his pictures done.  We also ran to Target and Kohl’s.  I needed to get a few things from Target and found two winter birds that I really wanted.  At Kohl’s we found a gift for B’s aunt.  When we got home it was P’s naptime and I decorated all the Christmas cookies.  S helped me with some of them and then got bored and left me to do the rest on my own.

Wednesday S and I got up early in the morning and went to his well check appointment.  He did great and is now officially over 4 ft. tall.  He happily ran to Target with me and did some last minute shopping.  I dropped him off at Grandma G’s to play for the day.  P hung out at May’s house in an attempt to keep her from getting sick (it didn’t work).   I made my fudge and marshmallows during the day while P was napping.  After P woke up from her nap we went and got S from grandma’s.  P never got dressed for the day and stayed in jammies the entire day.  We went out to B’s cousins to celebrate her daughter’s birthday.  The kids love playing together.

Thursday May came over with the kids in the morning.  I worked on making pie crusts and P turned on the mixer when I had all the flour in in and we had a flour snow storm in the kitchen.   I have never had that done to me before and was completely speechless.  I got two pies made on Thursday and discovered my fudge had not set up.  I had a huge tub of fudge that would be perfect on ice cream. My brother came up in the afternoon to hang out and visit.  We exchanged gifts and S and P got to see their cousins.  S loves his cousin T and looks up to him.  P just loves to be the center of attention and make everyone laugh.  After our visit both kids had a dentist appointment.  The kids both did great at their appointments.  We got awesome news and found out that P is not missing any of her permanent teeth like S is.  P did great opening her mouth to get her teeth cleaned and both got a good check-up of no cavities!  When we got home I also figured out that I over beat my marshmallow and had created a nougat/taffy.  I had to remake my marshmallow for a second time and it turned out perfect.

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Friday is bake day for me.  I cooked all day long.  Pies were my number one priority.  I had a total of 8 that I needed to make and I only had two done as of Friday morning.  I made crust, and pies most of the day.  We also decided to go skating at Ohio Skate after P’s nap.  The kids both loved skating and P was her normal self and threw a fit when it was time to leave.  She is getting so good at skating that she was doing it without holding our hands.  We actually got her skates loosened so she could glide more.  She is going to skate circles around her brother in no time at all.  When we got home it was all about getting the desserts done, the kids to bed, and finalizing any presents that needed wrapped.  Of course there are always those last minute items that I didn’t wrap.  We got all the gifts organized for Christmas Eve as far as where they go, and brought the kids gifts upstairs.  B and I then worked on the marshmallows and that was at about 2am.  When everything was done, packaged, and ready for Christmas Eve we semi cleaned the kitchen.  When my head hit the pillow it was 4:45am, and the kids were up at 7am on Saturday.


Saturday was Christmas Eve.  We usually give the kids there presents in the morning before all the craziness starts.  It also gives them stuff to play with while we get everything ready to go to my side of the family and then B’s in the evening.  P got Buzz Lightyear and S got an Xbox.  S was ecstatic and P was happy with Buzz.  We got ready and went to my dad’s to celebrate for the afternoon.  P didn’t fall asleep (I was hoping she would have).  She was in good spirits so I couldn’t complain.  After we left my dad’s P fell asleep in the car almost immediately.  She got about a 40 minute nap in between.  At B’s side of the family P did not do very well.  She was okay when we got there, opened a few gifts and then she was done and wanted to go home.  We got there about 5:15pm and P and I left after the kid’s gift exchange at 7:15pm.  S participated in the kid gift exchange and it went like I thought it would.  He started crying because he didn’t like his gift.  I think the steal game is not a good idea for little kids.  Most of them just don’t get it and are not happy with the results.


Sunday was Christmas.  We woke up in the morning.  P woke up at 7am like normal and we had to wait till 8:15am when S finally woke up.  P loved the bike that Santa brought her.  S was totally surprised he also got a bike and really liked it.  Grandma G and Grandpa Bob came over in the morning to open presents and have breakfast.  My sister stopped by while they were out and about.  P went down for her nap and took a long nap because of missing her nap yesterday.  She didn’t feel well so we decided to skip my Aunts and just stay home.  We did however go over to B’s aunts later in the evening for a few hours.  P spent most of the time lying on top of me.


Last Week

My Weekly Goals-I would love to be able to get all of the desserts I am making done by Friday afternoon for Christmas Eve.  I have a list of desserts I would like to get made, but am not sure I will get it all done.

Monday-Make Buckeyes and Coconut Bon Bons.  We are going to May’s house for dinner and then to drop off our couches to my sister’s.

Tuesday-Decorate sugar cut out cookies.  We have a day full of errands to do and B has some of his own to do after work.  The kids and I are going to get S’s 7 year pics done in the morning and then run to Kohl’s for B’s aunts Xmas gift and then to Target to get some red Santa bags.  I am going to try to decorate cookies when P goes down for her nap.  B has to pick up our new couch and chair after work.

Wednesday-Make fudge, marshmallows, and puppy chow.  S has his well check doctor visit in the morning.  Afterward he is going to spend the day with Grandma G and Grandpa Bob.  P is staying with May while I take S to the docs to try and prevent her from getting sick.   P and I are going to hang out at home like we do during the day while S is at school.  I think P will enjoy the break and normalcy for one day.  I am going to attempt to have P help me wrap all the presents.

Thursday-Make pie crust and start on either the sweet potato pie or apple pies.  The kids and I will hang out at home during the day and after P’s nap both kids had dentist appointments.  Afterward we will stop at Costco on the way home to pick up pics.

Friday-Finish up any desserts not done.  I will probably have to make some pies if not all of them in the morning.  After P’s nap we are going to roller skate at Ohio Skate.  It is a free day for P-burg students.  I love skating and B got a new pair of rollerblades so he does not have to use tape and zip ties to keep his together.  S and P love it just as much and we plan on skating until they are both done.  We may even drive separate in case one wants to leave earlier than the other.

Saturday-Today is Christmas Eve.  This is my favorite day of the Christmas holiday.  We will wake up in the morning and the kids will open there presents from B and me.  We have done this since S was a baby.  That way we can work around B’s work schedule and he still gets to enjoy Christmas with the kids.  Santa still comes Christmas morning no matter what (he only brings one gift and the stocking treats).  After we do presents I am running over to my dad’s with all of the desserts so I don’t have to try to take them later with all the kids and presents.  I will come home and get ready to go back to my dad’s.  All of this will be done by noon.  P is going to skip her nap which will not happen and she will fall asleep at some point even if that is in the car ride home (it is only 3 minutes).  We usually have about 30 minutes at home before we go to B’s side of the family.  If we haven’t already done so in the morning we delivery any baked goods we made for the neighbors.  We will then meetup with B’s side of the family around 5ish.  We will have dinner, exchange gifts, etc.  The kids will be home and hopefully in bed no later than 10pm.  I will attempt to get the kids asleep by 10pm so that the big guy can come.

Sunday-Christmas Morning…..The kids will wake up and open gifts from Santa.  B will probably make breakfast for the kids and then we will hang out at home for the day.  I am not sure what exactly we will do after naptime.  B and I haven’t had a chance to talk about it yet.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.