Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goals

Monday-We are going to enjoy the nice weather that we are supposed to have today and spend time outside. P and I are going to ride bikes up to the library in the morning to turn in my sheet for the Architectural Scavenger Hunt.

Tuesday-I plan on hanging out in the morning and then after S gets home from school we are going to the orientation for catechism classes. This means that we are going to try to start to go to church every week.

Wednesday-P and I are going to meet up with the mom’s I met for another playdate at a park. I won’t get a text until Tuesday night saying what park we are meeting at. The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Thursday-I am sure at some point we will run to the farmer’s market. S has his first soccer practice for the fall season.

Friday-As of now we don’t have plans but I am sure that will change.

Saturday-Today is Harrison Rally Day so there is a parade in the morning we are going to. S will have a soccer game in the afternoon so it will be tight when it comes to P getting her nap before we go. We are playing on a new field so this should be interesting.

Sunday-Thank goodness we don’t have any plans so it will be a day at home catching up.

Last Week Recap

Monday was Labor Day. We went over to my dad’s for a cook-out. The kids were excited to go swimming with their cousins. It was hot enough that we did end up swimming. I cannot believe how good of a swimmer P has gotten over the summer. At the beginning of the summer she swam straight up and down in her lifejacket. Now she is at about a 45° angle when she swims kicking her legs and moving her arms. It really is something to watch how much she has learned over the summer. At first I thought the pool water was cold, but it really felt great after I jumped in and I ended up staying in for quite a while. After we went home P took a late nap. I fell asleep on the couch and S was exhausted in the chair watching a movie and playing on the tablet.


Tuesday it was hot out. I invited S’s friend to come over and play in the pool. It was a swim/water playdate.  We did water balloons and then went swimming. Me included! It was hot enough that I wasn’t going to sit outside and watch them swim while I sweat my butt off.

Wednesday was another hot day. P and I went to our first playdate with the mom group that I met. She had fun running around but in true Mowgli form she ended up digging in the mulch and throwing it. Forget about the fun slides and stuff to climb on. She was so hot that the mulch was glued to her skin from all the sweat! P fell asleep on the way home and took a great nap.   We went over to May’s for a little bit after S got up. It was too hot to play outside so we hung out inside.

Thursday we didn’t do a whole lot and ended up just hanging out at home.  We did go to P’s dermatologist appointment in the morning.  She was hilarious while she waited.  They prescribed her a new kind of lotion and medication to try to reduce the KP (keratosis pilaris).  I did end up decorating cookies for my sister’s for there birthday gift.


Friday we hung out at home. When S got home from school he was exhausted from the week. He was an emotional mess (just like I was after a week of work), and P woke up in the worst mood. She didn’t even want to go over to May’s house for a little bit. Instead May and the kids came over. All the kids were in a bad mood. My dad called me and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner for my birthday earlier in the day and I said no. After seeing how S and P were I am so glad that I decided to stay home with them.

Saturday was my birthday and we didn’t do anything. It was wonderful. It was rainy most of the day so we hung out inside. B got me donuts for my birthday and the kids were sure to enjoy them with me. In the morning we flew a kite until the wind got a hold of it when S was flying it and gave him a string burn on his finger when it went crazy. We spent the morning playing outside in between the rain showers. When B got up he had to work in the garden standing up tomato cages and staking a few down. They got blown over from the high winds. The rest of the day we hung out at home.


Sunday we rode bikes to my dad’s in the morning and had breakfast. B stayed home and slept because he worked nights but it worked out because he got good quiet sleep while we were gone. The kids enjoyed breakfast and had a good time riding bikes. When we came home, P took her nap and S and B went to a car show. When S got home from the car show he smelled like burnt rubber. Apparently there were quite a few burnouts done by the hotrods.

Last Week

This week is scheduled to be a hot one. I see us spending a ton of time in the air conditioning or out in the pool. We really don’t have any plans this week so we are just going to be hanging out at home.

Weekly Goal-I would really like to focus on getting some stuff cleaned up around the house since B is going to be home this week.

Monday-Today is Labor Day. S does not have school so he will be home. We are going to go to my dad’s to swim around lunch time before we need to be home for P to get her nap.

Tuesday-Not much happening just hanging out at home.

Wednesday-I joined a mom’s group so P will have a playdate at a park.

Thursday-P has a dermatologist appointment in the morning. S has been asking to go to another demolition derby this year so we were going to try to go to the Fulton County Fair Demolition Derby. There is an 80% chance of rain and it is supposed to be hot. I doubt we will get to the demolition derby, but you never know. Other than that we have no plans

Friday-Another day of no plans and hanging out at home.

Saturday-Today is my birthday. B is working nights, so he will be sleeping in the morning and gone for work before dinner. It will be just the kids and me.

Sunday-Just another day of hanging out at home.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.