Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goals-I would like to get some of the dining room cleaned up.  It’s baby steps!

Monday-My dad is having a cookout so I think we are going to spend the afternoon over there.

Tuesday-A new swim session starts today so we have that in the morning and then a neighboring town has their fireworks tonight so I may get the kids ready for bed and load them up to go sit at my uncle’s and watch them.  It just depends on how tired they are.

Wednesday-We have swim in the morning and if S wants to try again there is waterworld in the afternoon at the rec.

Thursday-We have tee ball in the morning, followed by swim and then the farmer’s market in the evening when B gets home from work.  We might get peaches this week!

Friday-Because we didn’t have swim on Monday we have it today.  I am going to try to get B to take them both to swim.  S to his lessons, and P for toddler time.  I would love to have a day off from running to the pool.

Saturday-As of right now we do not have plans, but I am sure it will change.

Sunday-My niece’s birthday is today.  They are going to Kelly’s Island and I really wanted to go, but B could not get off work.  There is no way I am trying to do that without him.  Not because I can’t handle the kids by myself but because it is also known as snake island.  I cannot go without B knowing I may come across snakes.  It does make it so much easier with B there to help with the kids.  I guess we will probably just hang out at home.

Last Week Recap

I did accomplish my goal of making 4th of July desserts. I made sugar cookies and decorated them.  I also made a lemon pie for the first time.


Monday S skipped tee ball and swim class.  He still had a fever and did not feel good.  At this point we had no idea why he had a fever so better to be safe than sorry and spread it to others.  He did go to yo-yo camp because he doesn’t touch anyone else and really can’t stand close to others because they could hit each other.  Afterward S was pretty tuckered out so we just hung out at home the rest of the day.  Before bed S started to have discharge coming out of his eye.

Tuesday we went to the doctors first thing in the morning.  We got antibiotics for S’s eye and to be safe did not go to swim again.  S went to yo-yo camp and then a quiet afternoon at home.  We had to go to a funeral showing in the evening.

Wednesday S was better so he went to swim and yo-yo camp.  P got to play at the pool so she was happy.  S went to Waterworld in the afternoon.  He came away crying and saying he did not want to do it again.  Two weeks in a row of leaving unhappy and I am okay with him not going anymore.  We tried it and he hasn’t enjoyed it.  There was a lot of playing on the tablet for the past few days.  I needed to occupy S and have him chill out.

Thursday we had tee ball, swim and then yo-yo camp.  It was a full morning and then went to the farmer’s market in the evening when B got home from work.

Friday was a day of hanging out at home.  S got to have his “busfriend” come down to play and swim.  B watched them while I stayed inside while P took a nap.  We were talking about going to 1st Friday but decided against it.

Saturday we got up early and went to the Bicentennial parade uptown.  The kids had fun together watching the parade.  B got donuts for everyone to enjoy while we waited for the parade to start.  Afterward there were activities going on for the kids.  We spent the rest of the day hanging out at home.  In the evening we went to a neighboring town and watched the fireworks.  P loved watching the fireworks and was very animated.


Sunday B had to work so we spent the day at home.  We went for a walk in the morning and then made a lemon pie.  While the pie was cooking we made frosting so I could decorate cookies while P took her nap.  The cookies turned out great and looked amazing.  The lemon pie did not turn out so good so I will not be making that recipe again.  In the evening we went uptown and watched the fireworks.


Last Week

My Weekly Goals-I would love to make some kind of 4th of July desserts.

Monday-We have tee ball, then swim, and then S has yo-yo camp.  Afterward we are going to hang out at home because it is supposed to be super-hot.

Tuesday-Today we have swim then yo-yo camp.  While S is at yo-yo camp, P and I are going to make a run to Target.  I am hoping to find the Minecraft toy that was on clearance.  If I can get it at 50% off I plan on picking it up and hoping I will eventually get it at 70% off.  We have a funeral showing in the evening when B gets home from work.

Wednesday-S has swim and yo-yo camp.  Either Grandma G is going to take him and I am going to the funeral or she will go to the funeral and I will take S.  P is going to do whatever I do.  S has water world in the afternoon and then we will hang out at home.

Thursday-Today is tee ball, swim, and then yo-yo camp.  Afterward we will head home while P takes her nap and then head to the farmer’s market when B gets home from work.

Friday-B is off today and as of right now we don’t have any plans.

Saturday-There is a parade in the morning to celebrate Perrysburg being 200 years old.  The kids are going to love the parade.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.  Maybe go to my dad’s depending on the weather.

Sunday-B is working but we are planning on going to the fireworks in the evening.  S and P’s cousin is coming in town for a few weeks.  P probably won’t care, but S is excited.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.