Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goals

Monday-Today is Labor Day.  S doesn’t have school and we have no plans.  I am planning on just hanging out at home with the kids.

Tuesday-S has school and after B gets up, who knows what we are going to do.

Wednesday-We may end up going out on the boat.  We are going to try to let S tube a few more times this year.  If the weather is nice I am going to work on the architectural scavenger hunt.

Thursday-There is the farmer’s market and B is picking up overtime.  WAIT!!!!  Today is my birthday!

Friday-My niece is cheerleading at the football game.  S and I are going to go and watch, while B stays home with P.  Then again, we may just take P with us.  It is all going to depend on the weather.

Saturday-Today is Harrison Rally Day.  It is a big thing in Perrysburg.  There is an awesome little parade in the morning and then tons of vendors that hand out free stuff.  We usually get a bunch of new reusable grocery bags, and some water bottles for B.

Sunday-B is working so we will just hang out at home.

Last Week Recap

Monday I took P to get her pictures done at JCPenney’s and let’s just say we will be doing it again.

Piper Pig Bath

Tuesday we hung out at home.

Wednesday we ran to a few JCPenney’s checking out the clearance.  We found some clothes for both kids for next summer.


Thursday I ran to Target with P.  B ran up to the farmer’s market and when S got off the bus we went out on the boat.  S got to go tubing and loved it.  He hasn’t been in two years.  This was the first time either of us has been in this part of the Maumee River.


Friday after S got on the bus I convinced B to run to Target with me and we found a really good deal on outdoor storage for all of S’s toys.  The rest of the day we hung out at home and B went to work.


Saturday we went to my brother’s for the day.  S & P love going.  S loves swimming and talking to his cousin T-bone.  P just loves to play in the water and be the center of attention for the adults.  We think it is funny to watch her and she thinks it is funny when we laugh at her.

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Sunday we went to our neighbor’s for a little birthday/Labor day weekend party.  S swam the entire time we were there.  I had to get him out of the pool to leave.  Good thing we only live across the street.  I think S swam for almost 4 hours.  It was really hot so after we ate I took P swimming in the pool.  She had so much fun jumping in the pool over and over again.

Last Week

We have absolutely no plans for this entire week.  It is rare when that happens but there are a few weeks out of the year that it does happen.

My Weekly Goals-I have quite a few reviews that are due this week, so I will be working on all of them.

Monday-I finally found pig robe and towels that fit P.  I have been looking since I found out I was having a girl and came upon them two weeks ago at Target.  I had plans to get her pictures done today so that I could hang them in my pig bathroom.  I took her to get her pictures and let’s say we are going to have to go back again to get them done again.  She cried so loud, just like she does when I let her cry it out in her bed.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.

Tuesday-We are hanging out at home.

Wednesday-When I went to JCPenney’s on Monday I saw signs that they were having huge markdown starting today.  When I told B he wanted to go and look for clothes for himself.  So we are heading out there in the morning.  I plan on seeing what I can find for the kids and who knows what B will find.

Thursday-I am going to attempt to make a run to Target after S gets on the bus.  I am pretty sure this will be the week the pool/summer stuff will go down to 70% off.  We forgot last week to go to the farmer’s market, but will not forget this week.

Friday-B goes back to work tonight.  This is the first Friday of the month so they are having First Friday in Downtown Perrysburg.  They have bounce houses, petting zoos and other fun activities for kids.

Saturday-There is a Home Depot build in the morning and then we are hanging out at home.

Sunday-No plans just hanging out at home.



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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.