Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, Now that you are able to entertain yourself a little, maybe I will be able to get a few things done.  I really need to get your baptism invitations out and it would be nice to organize and clean up my scrapbooking stuff.

Dear S, I still cannot believe how big you are getting.  You really are becoming a fun kid.  If only you would listen like you used too.  Now that you are getting older you want to do what you want to do no matter what.  Are you going to grow out of this or do I have to wait until you are 18?

Dear B, I know you prefer to have the air conditioning on versus having the windows open, but isn’t it nice to get fresh air?  Pretty soon we are going to have to turn the heat on.  Now that we have a baby again we won’t be able to wait as long as we usually do to heat the house.

Dear Theresa and Joe,I really didn’t think that you would get jail time.  I thought for sure you would get off with probation, but not this time.  You may not think you got any special treatment, but how many people can say that they don’t have to go to jail until January so they can spend Christmas with their kids?  Also, I have never heard of the mom serving her jail time and when she gets out then the dad will serve his jail time.  Most judges would just make you serve together and have to surrender yourself like tomorrow.  You really got lucky!  Do you think they are going to keep you on RHONJ and record you from prison?  That would make it quite interesting.

Dear Dairy, It is so nice to have you back in my life again.  I know I can only have a little bit each day or every other day.  I will take it.  I think we are going to stop for some froyo after S gets out of school today.  I haven’t been able to eat any froyo since right after P was born.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.