Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, You have been a saint for your daddy this past week and I could not be happier.  I know you have him wrapped around your little finger and I am okay with that.  But if you could show him your true colors just once in a while so he doesn’t think you are an angel that would be great.  Your dad is starting to think that I am always making stuff up about you being crabby.

Dear S, I cannot believe you are starting preschool next week.  I know it is only preschool but to me it is closing one book and opening another.  You are no longer going to be my little baby, now you are my little boy who goes to school.  It breaks my heart and makes me happy all at the same time.

Dear B, Thank you for being my nurse and nanny for the past week.  Somehow you managed to take care of me and both the kids all at the same time.  Not sure how you did it, but your B and you always do.

Dear St. Rose Preschool, I was all set for S to start next week and then I get an email about the drop-off and pick-up schedule.  Since the preschool moved buildings it doesn’t work out that the parents can drop-off the preschoolers and the teachers get them out of the car and then put them back in the car at pick-up.  Okay I guess I understand until I realize that the afternoon class can still do drop-off and pick-up and grades K-8.  The only parents that have to park and walk their kids in are the am preschoolers.  The youngest kids attending the school are the only ones that have to walk in the parking lot around all the cars.  Sounds kind of backwards if you ask me.  Oh wait, you didn’t, but I told you.

Dear Feedly,  I love using you to follow all of the blogs I like, but hate when I am using my Nook and if I touch the screen to see the full post, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.  I totally miss Google Reader.  Why does it take so long for a post to show up on Feedly?  It really needs some improvements, but definitely better than Bloglovin’ (for me anyways).

Dear Blog, Why is it that on my homepage there is no title on the tab?  I have tried figuring it out now for quite some time and am still stumped.  If anyone knows the answer on how to fix this please let me know.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.