Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, You have been pretty quiet this week, probably because you are always sleeping.  I have to tell you I cannot wait until I can lay you down in bed when you are awake and you will just go to sleep for the night on your own.  Now when I lay you down in the middle of the night after feeding you sometimes I have no idea if you’re awake or asleep.  As long as you’re quiet I don’t care either way.

Dear S, When you get upset because I tell you, you can’t do something by threatening me with it does not help.  For example, if I tell you that you cannot play in the front yard and you tell me, “If you don’t let me play in the front I am never going to play outside again,” or “If you don’t let me have a green tootsie roll I am never going to eat another tootsie roll.”  I know what you are really trying to say but when I agree with you it makes you so mad.

Dear B, I am surprised that you have not really gone crazy with the garden this year.  I think everything is finally catching up with you and you now realize that our garden only needs to be big enough to feed us.  Trust me when I say that is still way bigger than the average backyard garden.

I am going to be updating garden pictures this weekend and then you can check them out by clicking on the Gardening tab at the top.

I am going to be updating garden pictures this weekend and then you can check them out by clicking on the Gardening tab at the top.

Dear Big Bang Theory, I have no idea why I have never discovered you before, but am glad that B did.  I now watch you nightly.  It even overrides my shows on DVR.

Dear Candy, You have been haunting me.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.