Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is my show and tell of pictures from the last week.  This week is all about S’s birthday.  I am doing a recap of all of the fun stuff we did in the past week.


  • When we got on the Amtrak train S was nervous because he was not sure what was going to happen.  The minute the train started S was all about looking out the window and climbed right off my lap.
  • S loved having a tray to hold his food so he could concentrate on looking out the window.  I kept asking him to turn around so I could get his pictures and he just kept saying, “I can’t I am too busy looking out the window.”


  • The next day we went to Kalahari and we thought S might have been a little scared of the slides, but he went down before I could even get to the end of the slide to take a picture.  This was the third slide he went down.  No fear with the slides.  He wanted to keep going over and over again.  Thankfully B kept going and I took pictures.
  • S loves to swim and had so much fun in the wave pool.  He was happy to swim in the waves and even when the waves were not on.  We thought S would have issues with the waves, but he kept his mouth shut and had a ball.


  • I was trying to teach S to jump the waves and he loved doing that as long as someone helped him.
  • S loved going down the little kid slides too.  He was super crazy on them and had a good time.


  • When we had our birthday breakfast the waitress suprised S with a cupcake after he ate all of his pancakes.  We were surprised too, and he loved it.
  • Yes, they are really sitting on a toilet seat!  To play this game you had to sit on toilet seats.  You ended up squirting a guy that was sitting in a bubble bath.  If you won your guy got a shower.  It was a fun game.


  • It took me about 3 hours to decorate this cake to look like Thomas.  S loved the cake.  When I asked him if he wanted to look at the cake when I was done, he simply replied, “No, I’ll wait for everyone else before I look at it.”  What a little well-mannered boy!
  • S was so happy he got a Seat Pet.  He was asking for one of these.  He kept telling me when he gets to be a big boy and sit in a big boy chair in the car he can use this when he falls asleep.


  • We tried to change S’s mind about the animal he picked but he was stuck on Frosty and would not be swayed. When we asked him if he wanted the Frosty scarf, broom, and pipe accessories, he just said, “No, I like him just how he is.”  Don’t have to ask me twice to not spend more money.
  • S loves to give his builds a bath before we leave.  He kept looking at the brushes and said they were too dirty for him to use and just blew air onto Frosty using his hands to ‘pretend’ wash him.

Overall, we had a great week of fun.  S was so exhausted after getting his pictures done and then going to Build-a-Bear yesterday that he fell asleep on the way home and took a great nap.  He definitely needed those few extra hours of sleep since we have been going none stop for the past four days.


I am linking up with Jen @ Ramblings of a Suburban Mom.  She does iPhone Dump and I do Foto Friday.  So pretty close!

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.