Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  I figured I would do an entire recap of our Halloween events for this.  I try to pack as much in as I can so if for some reason the weather is bad on Halloween the kids won’t be devastated.

  • We did Trunk-or-Treat at St. Rose a week before Halloween.  The kids wore there costumes and loved it.  They got so much candy.  P asked if instead of saying, “Thank you” could she say “Happy Halloween” instead?  I told her that would be okay.  She really did say, “Happy Halloween,” to almost everyone.
  • Last Sunday we did the Rossford Deca parade.  It was another day of them getting a ton of candy.  A lot of kids dress up in their costumes, but mine just wear Halloween shirts.

  • The kids have been waiting forever to carve pumpkins.  I always hated cleaning the guts out.  P dug right in and dug them out.  She just kept playing with it.  She drew her face of what she wanted and B cut it out for her.  She also wanted an Elsa crown on one of the pumpkins so we did that on the small pumpkin.
  • S basically does it all on his own now.  He wants to clean it out and carve it.  The only thing he needs help with is cutting the top off.  While he wants to do it all by himself he still wants to wear plastic gloves so he doesn’t have to touch the pumpkin guts and get his hand dirty.  The two of them are so weird and opposite about things.  P refuses to touch a minnow without wearing a glove but will play with gooey pumpkin guts.  S will hold a minnow no problem but wants gloves so he doesn’t get pumpkin goo on him.

  • B’s work gave us the chance to go to Fleitz Pumpkin Farm.  We went last Sunday in the morning.  It had rained so much on Saturday that the hay ride was closed and the corn maze was extremely muddy.  The kids were happy with their donut and cider.  We used the pumpkin voucher we got to buy a bunch of small pumpkins.
  • We used all the small pumpkins to decorate with nail polish.  What you do is put drops of nail polish in a bucket of water and they spread.  Then you dunk the pumpkin in the bucket of water and the nail polish adheres to the pumpkin along with the design you create.


  •  We took the kids to Dave & Buster’s after school.  P got on pink (on the behavior chart for school) and the reward is D&B.  The kids were all about trying to get SpongeBob cards this time so they played the game forever.  We never even went into the prize area to see what they had.  The cards were enough for them!
  • I dressed up as the gym owner for Halloween.  I didn’t workout in the outfit but made sure I went in a little early so I could pretend to be him at the class before mine.

  • We went to the kids school costume parade in the afternoon on Thursday.  This is the first time that it has been inside.  Usually they do it outside but the rain made them change plans.  P truly looks like a little queen walking with that wave.  Her little friend in her class was Anna.  I got a picture of them together and it was so cute.  P loved that they were Elsa and Anna.
  • We took S’s costume with us to school and dropped it off to him.  There is no way he would have been able to take that on the bus with him.  When he got to the gym he started strutting his stuff and was doing twirls so everyone could see all the way around him.  He really turned up the cheese factor, which is so not him.

  • B and I had to come up with new costumes for the kids for trick-or-treating because of the rain.  I didn’t want P to ruin her Elsa costume because I didn’t know how I would be able to wash it.  S would have gotten water dumping down on his legs the whole time and the candy would had the ink run and probably fallen off.  She decided to go as a cat.  P wore a black garbage bag (to keep dry) for the cat body, I pained a nose and whiskers on her, and she wore a cat headband.  S went as a bag of trash, literally.  B made a quick stencil that said Trash and spray painted it on the bag.  He then tied it up around S’s neck (don’t worry it wasn’t tight).
  • B thought it would be funny if he looked like a garbage man so he wore his reflective jacket and S wore his reflective hat (we didn’t want S to go all black).  When it was all done we were wet and cold.

  • The candy hall from trick-or-treating.  The kids were so happy with it.  Of course, we had to separate it all out and decide what we were keeping and getting rid of.
  • P was all smiles going through the candy.  She does love her sweets.  I love how curly her hair got while we were out trick-or-treating.  If only she would let me do that to her hair all the time.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.