Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics.  It has been a busy couple of weeks for us and again I was slacking on the posts.  I am going to highlight a few things we have done in the past few weeks: Cedar Point, Trunk-or-Treat, field trip, and more.

  • P has never really gotten a room decorated just for her.  She had S’s hand me down baby room stuff, and then it was kind of makeshift decorations to her room as she has gotten more girlie and less babyish.  I found this mesh canopy at a garage sale and it caught my eye.  I turned back around and stopped at the garage sale to see how much this was.  Not only did I get this but I also got her some new Frozen sheets and blankets.  I also got her a Frozen ukulele, watch, and suitcase that she will get for Christmas.  When she got home I had her bed made with the new sheets (after I washed them), blankets, and her stuffed animals.  She was so excited about her new bed and could not wait to go to sleep.
  • I helped a friend out and watched his son one day last week.  P loved having a little baby around again.  She wanted to show him the Baby Shark video.  He was not nearly as impressed with it as P was.  She did love having a little baby around that she could dote on.

  • B and I worked on a couple of ideas trying to figure out how to make candy for S’s Halloween outfit.  Once we figured it out and I knew what we were going to do it really didn’t take long to make the candy.

  • We finally took the kids to Cedar Point.  We decided to buy the gold passes.  If we go twice we have paid for the ticket.  We really wanted to take them once this year and then however many times.  The kids loved every minute of it and we stayed so much longer then I thought we would.  They also did the trick-or-treating event  and got some candy.  I asked for a piece of candy from one of the workers and you should have seen the look she gave me.  If looks could kill.

  • Both kids got to ride their first roller coaster.  Last time S was here he was only 2 1/2 so he was too short to ride any roller coasters.  Now he is tall enough to ride everything!  His first roller coaster was the Blue Streak.  He liked it and was excited to ride more.
  • I took P on a kid roller coaster in Camp Snoopy.  She was so excited and loved it.  There was no telling her that lots of people scream on the coasters.  She did that all herself.

  • P got to go on her first real field trip.  She got to ride the bus to Gust Brothers Pumpkin Patch.  The parent volunteers had to drive and meet them there.  She loved riding the bus and chose to ride it back to school instead of going home with me.  She was the only one who refused to feed the goats, cows, or pigs.  I made her feed the goats with me and she didn’t love it but was okay with it.  Of course, it had to rain the entire time we were there so no hay rides (secretly I am okay with that).

  • We went to Trunk-or-Treat at St. Rose.  The kids love going every year.  P went as Elsa from Frozen Fever and S went as a Halloween bucket of candy.  I loved his costume and he got so many compliments.  P wore her little fur cape over her Elsa outfit.  She loves the idea of Elsa wearing it in the snow.

  • I watched Little A last week and gave her some apple cider.  She didn’t want to drink it at first and after she got a taste she just sucked it down.  When she needed a breath and put the cup down she had the biggest smile on her face.  It was so cute.
  • I watched Little B last week and put her in the walker to give her breakfast and let her run around.  Once she figured it out she kept following me around the island.  By the end of it she sounded like she was singing in the walker when she was moving around.  When she starts walking on her own she is going to be a little monster.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.