Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  We had my niece’s birthday party, some really nice warm days, and S started soccer and baseball practices.

  • P has finally decided to drive the Power Wheels truck we have.  S has outgrown it and if she didn’t like it this summer we were going to get rid of it.  She has always refused to drive it and always wanted to ride in it instead.  Not last week.  She drove the truck around the cul-de-sac until she basically killed the battery.  While she was taking Baby L for a ride, I took turns walking Little B around the cul-de-sac.  I think this is the only way we may get walks in this summer.
  • Saturday P asked if she could go on a teeter-totter.  There is only one that I know of in Perrysburg and it is a standing teeter-totter (this was not it).  It is behind Mr. Freeze so of course we had to get ice cream when we came after dinner.  The kids loved this ride and it worked out great because the three of them could do it together and no one was left out.

  • I went to go to bed last week and this is what I found on my side of the bed.  I guess S got up when I was working on the birthday banner for my niece and B told him to go back to bed he was okay.  Well he went to bed just not his own.  I guess we need to be more specific.  Dinky decided to take advantage of him and went to sleep by his feet and used my pillow as her blanket.  Sneaky little dog.
  •  I went in the kid’s bathroom and this is what I found.  Dash was sitting in the kids hamper just hanging out.  I am not sure what she found so appealing about it.  She stayed in it the entire time I blew my hair dry.  Even the hair dryer didn’t scare her off.

  • At my niece’s birthday party she was not to happy when anyone who she was not very familiar with held her.  I guess S passed the test because he held her for probably a good 3 or 4 minutes before he asked me to take her because she was wiggling.
  • Of course Little A will let her aunt hold her.  P was the same way since my sister and I are twins she never had a problem if my sister held her.  I have gone weeks without seeing Little A and she still will let me hold her right away.

  • P was so excited to go to Little A’s birthday party and be a part of it.  She was right there with her while she ate her cake.  She loves to take care of her and watch over her.  (I made my niece a fish bowl cake to go with her fish themed birthday party.)
  • I guess great minds think alike.  My sister’s and I (all of Little A’s aunts) decided to get her a toy that she could ride on.  None of us talked to each other and had no idea what we each got her.  I can say I bought mine first, because I got mine when my sister was still pregnant with Little A.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.