Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  I was looking back and I totally was slacking last week with the post.  I didn’t do one for Wednesday or Thursday.  That is my bad.  I didn’t even realize it so I am going to make up for it with this post.

  • P had Mom’s night at school last Monday night.  It’s basically almost like an open house.  You make a craft together and then play with toys in the room.  At the end they lined up in a row and sang us some songs.  Of course, P had to be at the end that she start was the beginning of the line.  She was so happy to be singing and doing the moves.
  • We had to get a picture together.  Since it was all mom’s there we all know that most of the pictures do not include us so the mom’s were offering to take pictures of each other.

  • P opened some of my lip gloss and it was a tinted lip gloss.  The funny thing this is the Chapsticks name brand and I cannot believe how much color was in it for a tint.
  • P moved up to a big girl bed.  She finally decided she was ready for a twin bed and to move out of the toddler bed.  We had to keep the toddler bed in the room for a few days because she wanted to be sure.  She had B take it down for her on Friday.  Right now the mattress is on the floor until I am sure she is not going to roll off of it.  S rolled off the bed for quite a while and he had sides on it, but that small area somehow he managed to fall out of.  She loves it and asked if I would hook her TV up in her room.  Not that she is a “big girl” she can watch TV in her room and hang out in there.  I have a teenager stuck in a 4-year-old body!  (Thanks to her Aunt and Uncle for getting her the Dory comforter that matches the sheets we got for her.  A total coincidence.)

  • We watched my niece, Little A for a few hours this week and S loves being the older cousin.  He wants to help out with everything that does not deal with diaper changing.  They loved sitting next to her and eating dinner with her.   He just kept picking her up and rocking her.  Yes I let him pick her up, he is actually quite good at it.  She loves rocking with S and playing with him.
  • This is how P woke up Friday morning.  She had some of the craziest hair I have seen her have.  You can see the front view which is messy and the back which looked like a crazy bird’s nest.  The irony of it all is that it wasn’t tangled and brushed easily.  After I was done brushing it the picture on the right with her green shirt is what it looked like.  I told her she had to wear a braid to school, there were no options.  She agreed and it tamed the craziness down.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.