Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  I have been slacking on the Friday pics.  I am going to do my best now that school is back in session and we will have a routine again.

  • B got Dinky a new dog bed this week at the store.  It was super nice.  Dinky is the only one who really loves to sleep in a dog bed when she is in her pen or cage.  The first night we brought the bed in the house and look who took it over immediately.  Dash has been in the bed every time I look over there.
  • B got the race car working again for P.  He went and got new batteries for it.  She has been asking for a while to drive the race car.  She is nowhere near the driver that S is or was at her age.  He was driving this when he was 2 years old like a pro.  She is 4 years old and can barely get it around the cars.  She had to put her hat on so her hair didn’t get wet because there was a light sprinkle when she took it for a test drive.

  • These guys were crazy playing in the pool this week.  I cannot believe that they accomplished a triple stack.  All three of them were so proud and it really is a great picture of them.
  • I taught P and A how to chicken fight in the water.  They were hilarious to watch.  Most of the time they were just slapping each other but once they figured out to push the other one it was game on.  It was all in fun and neither of them got hurt or cried once. (About the chicken fighting, they did cry over who lost and won.)

  • All four kiddos had a fun time swimming all afternoon on Wednesday.  We finished the night off with dinner and more swimming.  You can’t see her but Little B is sleeping in the rock ‘n’ play behind these guys.  That baby loves to sleep outside.

  • We took a picture of these three on the rocks on the corner.  L decided not to come out and get pictures with us.  Maybe next year.  We are going to try to get pictures of these guys every year on the first day of school.


  • S had his first day of school today.  Last night he was nervous and started crying about not wanting to go.  Today he was excited and dressed by 6:40am (he doesn’t get on the bus until 8:05am).  Not much has changed on his board.  His height increased a half an inch over the summer and he went up 3 pounds.  Nothing else has changed other than the series of books he likes.
  • P has been in the pics since she was just a toddler.  She picked out her own outfit today.  She was very concerned about what she was going to wear for her picture today.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.