Elf Antics, Christmas 2018

We have an elf who comes to visit us on December 1st and stays until Christmas.  If the kids are good he will bring them each something small in the advent calendar.  If they are bad he will bring an elf warning.  The kids look forward to this every year.  Each morning they run out to find the elf, Chippy, and then check out what treat he has brought them.  This year Chippy did a little something different and brought a felt letter board to deliver messages.  I took pictures of almost all of the messages, there are a few I forgot.

  • Day 1-Chippy was on top of the Advent Truck Calendar sitting in P’s Play Doh’s castle (she plays with almost everyday).
  • Day 2-Chippy hung out with Snoopy and Charlie Brown nutcrackers.
  • Day 3-Chippy went on a hot air balloon date with Elsa.  P lost her mind and threw the biggest fit about Elsa being with Chippy and her not being able to play with her.  She does have another Elsa Barbie, I think she just didn’t want to share.
  • Day 4-Chippy couldn’t help himself and took all the princess on a train ride.  Again P lost her mind, this time because one of the princess was naked.
  • Day 5-Chippy was punished to sit in the corner for the day.  Well P and S thought Chippy was sitting on a potty going to the bathroom.  I guess different perspectives between kids and adults. (B and I did think it looked like Chippy was sitting on a potty.)

  • Day 6-Chippy was pretty boring and hung out in a stocking.
  • Day 7-Another quiet day and Chippy sat in the tree.
  • Day 8-Chippy was pretty good at hiding and it took the kids quite a while to find him.  They checked Chippy out to see if it was the whole body or just the head.  Nothing crazy happened, and his whole body was hiding in the mailbox.
  • Day 9-Chippy was inside the drink dispenser on top of the kitchen cabinets.  How he got inside and put the lid on was put into question all day.
  • Day 10-Chippy decided to take P’s My Little Pony characters for a train ride.  Chippy was in charge of driving the train.  P knew she could get her ponies and not touch Chippy so she took them back.  S was bummed he couldn’t drive the train around the tree for the day.

  • Day 11-Chippy brought pajamas for S’s birthday.  He brings them for S’s birthday every year.  This year he also brought a set for me and a hat for B.   I love that Chippy was sitting in the middle of a birthday cake holding a sign.
  • Day 12-Chippy was hanging from the new lantern we got for family pictures.
  • Day 13-Chippy rode around on the tree chandelier for the day.  It spins when the fan is on, so Chippy got quite dizzy.  Thankfully he never fell off.  Chippy also brought both kids Elf Warnings.
  • Day 14-Chippy was in the bathroom.  He surprised both of them when they went to the bathroom after they woke up.
  • Day 15-Chippy went for a ride in a small wagon we have on the top of the kitchen cabinets.

  • Day 16-The kids were really upset when they realized that Chippy had taken their tablets for the day.  That meant that they couldn’t touch them so they played together in the playroom.
  • Day 17-I guess Chippy wanted to make sure they were being nice to each other 2 days in a row so he hung out in the window looking into the playroom.
  • Day 18-Chippy planted himself in the poinsettia planter on the landing.
  • Day 19-Chippy sat in a wooden gingerbread house P made last year with the Tsum Tsum Dumbo she hid in the advent calendar for day 19.
  • Day 20-Chippy took a marshmallow bath in the Santa candy dish.

  • Day 21-Chippy sat on P’s gingerbread house so she could not try to sneak any of the candy when I wasn’t looking.
  • Day 22-Chippy hung out on the Merry Christmas banner above the TV.
  • Day 23-Chippy was entwined in the bamboo plant.  He really got himself stuck.
  • Day 24-Chippy was hanging out with his elf friends in their bunk beds to watch the kids open their presents from us in the morning.

  • Here are the signs that Chippy left for the kids.  The ones I typed in red are the signs I forgot to get a pciture of.  Not a ton, but enough that they checked everyday to see if there was a new note from him.

  • The elf warnings that the kids got on December 13th.  It was ironic they both got them on the same day, but really it was the day after S’s birthday that they both misbehaved.

  • So P got Tsum Tsum’s again this year from Chippy everyday except on the 13th when she got the warning.
  • S got Disney Crossy Road characters each day.  Some were duplicates of what he got from the Easter Bunny this year.  How was I to know they would stop making them?  Chippy totally screwed up and on the first day.  He thought he was giving him a blind bag, but instead gave him a bag of stands.  Oops!  Towards the end S got regular Crossy Road characters because he ran out of Disney characters.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.