Remes Hip Trainer Set Review

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine.

I was not sure about this when I was asked to review it but thought I would give it a shot. The hip trainer set consist of a buttocks shaper (looks like a bicycle seat), massage ball, and yoga ball. Let’s talk about the buttocks shaper. No way was I going to take a picture using it, but you basically stick it between your legs and squeeze your butt cheeks. I did about 3 of them and was done. It was seriously hard work. It says it can give you the bubble butt you have always wanted, improve bladder control, strengthen pelvic floor muscles (kegel exercises). I wanted to try it to help after I had inguinal hernia (groin hernia, a story for another time) to help strengthen pelvic muscles so it doesn’t happen again. I don’t know if it will work, but at least I can get a firmer backside as an added bonus. There are additional pictures and instructions of additional exercises that can be done with the hip trainer it says to help tighten thighs, buttocks and lower abdominal muscles.  At this point I cannot do those exercises yet because of the surgery I had.  Maybe after some more recovery time.

The set also comes with  a massage ball which is about the size of a baseball with spikes all over it.  You can run it over your muscles to help work kinks and aches out.  The yoga ball is small and only about 12 inches in diameter.  They do give a few exercises that can be done with the yoga ball.

The Remes Hip Trainer Set is $23.90 on  Click here to order the Remes Hip Trainer Set.

I was chosen to review the Remes Hip Trainer Set on  Basically how it works is you select items you would like to review and if they chose you, the product is purchased through  If you have a Prime Account with Amazon shipping is free and a coupon code is provided from the company making the product free or highly discounted.  In exchange they are looking for an honest review on their product. 

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.