Thursday Treats

Thursday Treats is all about the best things I have had happen in the past week as far as good things, good foods, awesome finds at stores, great TV shows, etc.

I had every intention of doing this yesterday, and when that didn’t work out last night.  Well I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as I put the kids to bed.

  • So while this may seem like a complaint or sarcastic it really was the best treat I could ask for on Christmas Eve.

B and I were up late on Wednesday night getting everything ready for Christmas Eve.  We do everything on Christmas Eve and our Christmas day is pretty low-key.  More so this year because B traded to get Christmas Eve off and works Christmas day instead.  We were up until 5 am Thursday morning.  About 4 am B and I sat down to breathe before we headed off to bead and we heard the dreaded sound.  S started barking in his sleep.  Yup, he got P’s cold and within 12 hours of the first signs of the cold it had already turned into croup.  We decided to let him keep sleeping and hope it would subside.  6:30am S wakes me up to tell me he is barking and having a hard time catching his breath.  Great here we go again.  5 years ago to the day we were in the exact same predicament and ended up spending Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after in the hospital for a 3-day stay because of croup.  At this point I am pretty much an expert on croup and knew if I couldn’t get it to go away with Tylenol we would have to go to the ER.  I convinced S to wait until 8am to see if we could call the doctor’s office and see who was on-call.  If we were lucky enough it would be S’s doctor and he would call in steroids.  If I could get one dose in him it would make the croup go away.

8:08am I called the doctor office.  When I got someone on the line I thought it was a recording and said, “Wait, am I really talking to a real person?”  The best gift of all was I was talking to a person and they had office hours for the morning.  I immediately got the first appointment available for 9:10am and was smiling from ear to ear.  When I called 5 years ago they were not open for office hours and we did not go to the ER until 10pm.  At that point we had no idea what it was; now we are seasoned veterans.  When we saw the doctor (not ours, but I didn’t care at this point) she asked S what his symptoms were and what would make it feel better.  He said, “I bark.  When I go from warm to cold, and cold to warm it helps, and steroids make it better.”  I laughed; the doctor laughed and called in a script.

We walked around Meijer for over an hour waiting for his script to get filled.  When we got home he got his first dose and we have not heard a bark since.  He was much better the rest of the day and no complaints about his cold.  Granted he was super tired from getting up early, but we never had to go to the ER which was my goal the entire time.

What good things have you been treated to you this week?

Thursday Thoughts

Although I do Thursday Treats, it is pretty similar to Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom‘s Thursday Thoughts, so I am linking up with her today.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.