Friday’s Letters


I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear S, Why is it when you take a nap, you never want to fall asleep at night?  It’s funny because last night you were so tired, but for some reason could not fall asleep.  Maybe you were just nervous about your doctor appointment today?  Who knows?

Dear B, It’s funny how if you sit on the couch for longer than five minutes and just watch TV not talking you will be asleep.  It just goes to show that you are overly tired if you sit still for longer than five minutes and fall asleep sitting up. (I would show you all pictures, but B would kill me!)

Dear New Baby, These growing pains from you are unbearable.  When I am lying in bed I cannot even roll over without God awful pains.  When will these pains go away?  I remember now, not until you are born!

Dear ipsy, What a big disappointment you were this month.  There was not one thing in there that I loved or really even liked.  Please try a little better, or I may have to cancel you.

Dear Target, I was happy and sad with the shopping trips to Target for the great toy clearance.  I went to all four of my local Targets and only my regular Target had a good selection of toy clearance.  Tell me why did you not mark all the toys down to 70% off?  Are you going to mark the rest down next week?


Dear Christmas Lights outside, I know that you are still up outside and go on every night with the automatic timer, but I think it is time to come down.  We haven’t been able to take you down because of the snow covering you and then it finally melted only to get more snow yesterday.  I think you may be staying up for another week.  Hopefully you are down by June, so we do not become those “neighbors” who never take their lights down.


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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.