Saturday Strike

Saturday Strike

I thought while B was out on strike (hopefully not for long) I would talk about what is going on and how we have been affected by it in the past week.

Week 18

It’s over!  B went back on shift work last night.  It is strange to try to get back into our routine again.  He has been off for so long, that last night was the first time I had the bed all to myself in over 4 months.  Thankfully S and P cooperated and both slept in their own beds.

Even though B went back to work it will be two weeks before we see our first paycheck so the Strike Relief Fund is still happening.  We should get a check next week from it and they are expecting to get one more check after that.  That could really make a nice difference for us.

Recap of the Strike for us…

Although we were affected with B not working, thankfully he was able to find side jobs to help supplement with the bills.  We were able to keep up on all of our bills by cutting down on any extras, help from B’s parents, the Strike Relief Fund and B finding side jobs.  I know there are many families who are not in the same boat as us.  While I am very grateful for how we ended up after the strike being over I do feel for the families who accumulated debt.  My biggest question about them accumulating debt is did they try to find work or just sit and wait hoping we would return to work sooner than we did?

B had great plans to get so many projects done around the house while he was off work.  Do you know how many projects he got done?  None!  He was so busy working side jobs that he never even had a chance to sit and take a breath.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.