Fridays Letters


I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters.  Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear S, Please sleep in your own bed and not with B and me.  I know you sneak in bed with us in the middle of the night and now do it quietly so we don’t realize, but we need sleep.  If you sleep in bed with us, you always want to snuggle close and share my pillow.  I need space when I sleep and not someone sleeping on top of me and kicking me.  When I tell you to sleep in your own bed by yourself you ask why because I get to sleep with dada.  True, but how do I explain to you that you have to sleep in your own bed until you get married and then you can share a bed.

Dear B, I can’t believe that on Wednesday night when S climbed in bed with us sometime in the night that instead of putting him back in his bed, you just went and slept on the couch!  I didn’t get any great sleep with him in bed trying to sleep all over me either.  Next time instead of going to sleep on the couch just take S back to his bed so we both can get a good night sleep.  Thanks, in advance.

Dear BarkBox, You rock with the Dog Beer (Bowser Beer)!  I love that they sent out beer in their monthly box for June. Keep up the good work on showing awesome new products.

Dear HBO/Cinemax-Thank you for the free preview we had last weekend.  There were so many great movies on last weekend like Magic Mike, and Snow White and the Huntsmen.  I cannot wait to watch the rest of the movies on my DVR.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.