Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  I am so behind with posts for this week.  It’s Sunday night, and I am just now finally getting to this post.  P woke up Friday night so I had to lay in bed with her and never got to this, yesterday I was getting everything ready for Easter baskets, and today was filled with activities.

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  • P is very interested when I bake and always wants to be hands-on.  I gave her a small piece of dough, a rolling pin, and a small plastic cookie cutter so she could do her own cookies.  She had fun rolling and cutting.  Then she ate the dough when she was done!
  • P found S’s Norfolk-Southern hat and put it on herself.  I was more impressed that she figured out how to put it on by herself.  She didn’t do it just once but three times.

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  • With the twins in-town S has loved having the boys to play with.  Even though they are older S can still hold his own when it comes to driving skills.
  • P wanted to be like S and the twins so she wore a helmet around when she was playing.  She didn’t need it, but wanted too.

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  • We had a get together on Wednesday to celebrate Easter since the twins were in town and my nieces were leaving Thursday for Florida.  The kids had a great time hanging out and the adults loved watching the kids.
  • The kids had to wait in the garage until all the adults were outside to start their egg hunt.  We let P come out with us because I didn’t want to leave her in the garage with all the kids.  It was totally worth it because she was so much fun to watch.  Every egg she found she had to show off and squealed with delight.


  • S had a blast hunting for eggs.  He knows most of his dads hiding tricks and found his eggs first.
  • There was a moustache hidden in each kids eggs.  S put his on right away and he happen to get the short stache to make him look like Mario.

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  • We went over to my neighbors and P loves to play with Baby L.  P loves Baby L so much, sometimes too much.
  • Look who got a new robe for pool time in the summer.  She was beyond ecstatic to try it on.  She ran around the house giddy as ever.


The new addition to our family, Baby P.  She is adorable.  I went up to the hospital to see her on Thursday.  She is the cutest thing and has angel kisses on her eyes just like P did when she was born.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.